Gwadar Master Plan – Hope for the good, plan for the best
To ensure future developments are carried out in an orderly, coordinated and planned manner, the Authority has appointed Artur D.Little (ADL), Malaysia, Lyon Associates, USA and Indus Associated Pakistan to prepare a Master Plan for the Port, the related infrastructure and the business plan for the port.
The plan uses a planning horizon of fifty years. The outlook plan for 2055 envisions a total quay-length of 50 km, a total throughput volume of 300-400 million tons of cargo and a port land area of about 10,000 hectares.
The consultants’ assignment is to cover:
- Land use/allocations
- Infrastructure Development
- Transport and communication
- Local economy
- Social activities/services
- Tourism and hotels
- Environmental concerns
- Institutional and organizational setup
- Marketing of Gwadar Port